What to Expect When You Visit
Our services are a blend of contemporary worship music and traditional hymns. People who attend Russell come from all walks of life; some wear suits and some wear jeans. Our 10 AM worship service generally lasts for about an hour, although sometimes a bit longer. It is followed by a class for adults called "Digging Deeper" during which time people are invited to stay to discuss the worship service and the pastor's message in more depth. During the school year, a once a month potluck is (generally) held on the first Sunday of the month.
Mission Statement
The mission of Russell Community Church is to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in such a way that pre-believers become believers, believers become disciples, and disciples become mature, fruitful leaders who will go into the world to reach others for Christ.
Denominational Core Values
Russell Community Church is a member of the Presbyterian denomination known as ECO (the Evangelical Covenant Order) of Presbyterians. Specifically we are a member of the Presbytery of South Carolina (https://presbyteryofsc.org).
Egalitarian Ministry: We believe in unleashing the ministry gifts of women, men, and every ethnic group.
Missional Centrality: We believe in living out the whole of the Great Commission – including evangelism, spiritual formation, compassion, and redemptive justice – in our communities and around the world.
Center-focused Spirituality: We believe in calling people to the core of what it means to be followers of Jesus – what “mere Christianity” is and does – and not fixate on the boundaries.
Leadership Velocity: We believe identifying and developing gospel-centered leaders is critical for the church, and a great leadership culture is risk-taking, innovative, and organic.
Kingdom Vitality: We believe congregations should vigorously reproduce new missional communities to expand the Kingdom of God.
Jesus-shaped Identity: We believe Jesus Christ must be at the center of our lives and making disciples of Jesus at the core of our ministry
Biblical Integrity: We believe the Bible is the unique and authoritative Word of God, which teaches all that is necessary for faith and life. The prominence of God’s Word over our lives shapes our priorities, and the unrivaled authority of the Bible directs our actions to be in concert with Christ’s very best for our lives.
Thoughtful Theology: We believe in theological education, constant learning, and the life of the mind, and celebrate this as one of the treasures of our Reformed heritage.
Accountable Community: We believe guidance is a corporate spiritual experience. We want to connect leaders to one another in healthy relationships of accountability, synergy, and care.