About Us

Psalm 84:2 - “My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.

On most Sundays, our services are a blend of contemporary and traditional worship, combining the music of praise & worship music on the guitar with time-honored hymns played on the piano.  People who attend Russell come from all walks of life; some wear suits and some wear jeans.  We meet at 9:30 AM for a weekly service that generally lasts for an hour, although sometimes a bit longer.  It is followed by a class for adults called "Digging Deeper" during which time people are invited to stay to discuss the worship service and the pastor's message in more depth.  During the school year, there is a once a month potluck that happens on the first Sunday of the month. 


Cindy Orr, Contemporary Worship Leader

Linda Risher, Pianist

Dale Youngs, Pastor

Mary Youngs, Facilities Director